AM I Being Love Bombed Quiz

Are you caught in a whirlwind of affection and wondering if it’s genuine? Take our ‘Am I Being Love Bombed Quiz’ to uncover if your partner’s intense attention is true love or something more overwhelming. With fun and insightful questions, you’ll gain clarity on your relationship dynamics. Dive in and find out now!

Am I Being Love Bombed Quiz

Am I Being Love Bombed?

1 / 15

Do they respect your opinions, even if they disagree?

2 / 15

How do they talk about your future together?

3 / 15

What’s their gift-giving like?

4 / 15

How do they react to you spending time with others?

5 / 15

After your first date, how quickly did they want to see you again?

6 / 15

How often do they compliment you?

7 / 15

How do they talk about past relationships?

8 / 15

Do they want to spend all their time with you?

9 / 15

How quickly did they introduce you to their friends and family?

10 / 15

How do they react if you don't immediately respond to texts or calls?

11 / 15

How much do they want to know about your daily activities?

12 / 15

What's their social media behavior like regarding you?

13 / 15

How intense is their declaration of feelings?

14 / 15

How do they handle boundaries or personal space?

15 / 15

How quickly did they start using pet names?

A Poem For The People Who Are Being Love Bombed

In a whirlwind of sweet, endless praise,
Are you caught in a dazzling, loving haze?
From dawn till dusk, they never pause,
Could this be love, or just applause?

Texts and calls, they flood your screen,
Feels like you’re starring in a love scene.
Flowers and gifts, oh what a sight,
But is it genuine or just delight?

Plans for the future, made in a day,
Promises of love that never sway.
Compliments so thick, they coat the air,
Are they sincere, or just hot air?

Every moment, they want to share,
But do they listen, do they care?
Boundaries blurred, they’re always near,
Does this bring joy, or hidden fear?

In their eyes, you’re the only star,
But are they with you, or who you are?
Love should be steady, like a stream,
Not a flash flood or a fleeting dream.

So take a breath, assess the scene,
Is it love true, or something in between?
A heart that’s rushed can miss the signs,
Make sure their love aligns with the lines.

In the end, trust what you feel inside,
Your heart will guide you, it won’t hide.
Love is patient, kind, and free,
Not a storm but a gentle, loving sea.

AM I Being Love Bombed Quiz

Am I Being Love Bombed? Quiz

1. How often do they compliment you?

  • A) It’s a non-stop compliment shower.
  • B) Regularly, but it feels genuine and spaced out.
  • C) Occasionally, and usually in the right moments.
  • D) Compliments? What are those?

2. After your first date, how quickly did they want to see you again?

  • A) They suggested breakfast the next morning.
  • B) They mentioned doing something later that week.
  • C) We planned to meet up again when our schedules allowed.
  • D) I’m still waiting for that “next time” proposal.

3. How do they react if you don’t immediately respond to texts or calls?

  • A) Floods my inbox with messages and calls.
  • B) Sends a follow-up, but nothing overwhelming.
  • C) Waits patiently until I get the chance to respond.
  • D) Might not even notice or mention it.

4. What’s their social media behavior like regarding you?

  • A) Every post I make is liked and commented on instantly.
  • B) They engage with my posts regularly but not excessively.
  • C) They occasionally like or comment on something interesting.
  • D) They’re barely active on social media, even with my posts.

5. How do they talk about your future together?

  • A) We’re planning our dream wedding after the first few dates.
  • B) There are mentions of future dates or events.
  • C) We take it one day at a time, with some hopeful mentions.
  • D) Future? We’re just enjoying the now.

6. How much do they want to know about your daily activities?

  • A) Wants a play-by-play update of my day.
  • B) Asks about my day genuinely but doesn’t pry for every detail.
  • C) Shows interest in significant events or when I share.
  • D) We share highlights, but there’s no daily report.

7. How do they handle boundaries or personal space?

  • A) What boundaries? They’re all over my space.
  • B) They respect my space but sometimes forget.
  • C) Very respectful and understands the need for personal space.
  • D) Might actually need a reminder to close the distance.

8. What’s their gift-giving like?

  • A) A constant stream of gifts, big and small.
  • B) Thoughtful gifts on special occasions or just because.
  • C) Occasional gifts that are meaningful.
  • D) Still waiting on that first gift…

9. How quickly did they start using pet names?

  • A) Immediately, I have a new name every day.
  • B) After we got comfortable with each other.
  • C) Rarely, and only ones we’ve both liked.
  • D) Pet names? That’s not really our thing.

10. How intense is their declaration of feelings?

  • A) It’s like a fireworks show of emotions regularly.
  • B) Open and affectionate but measured.
  • C) Shares feelings in a sincere, sometimes shy manner.
  • D) I think they like me? It’s a bit of a mystery.

11. Do they want to spend all their time with you?

  • A) Yes, and it’s like they want to merge lives immediately.
  • B) They love spending time together but understand balance.
  • C) We enjoy our time together but also our time apart.
  • D) Sometimes I wonder if they’d notice if I went on vacation.

12. How do they talk about past relationships?

  • A) Every ex is a villain in their epic love saga.
  • B) They’ve shared some, but it’s balanced and respectful.
  • C) Only mentioned when it’s contextually relevant.
  • D) Past? They keep that vault locked tight.

13. How quickly did they introduce you to their friends and family?

  • A) I met everyone in the first week.
  • B) Introduced me when we felt sure about each other.
  • C) It’s on the horizon, but not rushed.
  • D) Friends? Family? We’re still at the Netflix phase.

14. Do they respect your opinions, even if they disagree?

  • A) They agree with everything I say, even when they don’t.
  • B) Mostly, though we have our share of healthy debates.
  • C) Always, even when we have different views.
  • D) Opinions? I’m still trying to get them to open up.

15. How do they react to you spending time with others?

  • A) Not well. It’s guilt trips or pouting sessions.
  • B) Okay, but they prefer to be included whenever possible.
  • C) Completely fine, they encourage my independence.
  • D) They might not even ask who I was with.

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