Submissive Man

Dating a Submissive Man? Traits, Signs, and Relationship Success

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Hey there! Have you ever met a guy who seems perfectly content letting you take the lead? Maybe he enjoys when you pick the restaurant, plan the weekend getaway, or even make the first move? If so, you might be dating a submissive man.

Now, before you jump to any conclusions, submissive doesn’t mean weak or unmanly. In fact, many strong, confident men enjoy taking a more supportive role in relationships.

Submissive men tend to value cooperation and prioritize emotional connection. They might be naturally nurturing and enjoy supporting their partners.

Who are submissive men? Understanding their mentality

A submissive man is someone who enjoys taking a more passive role in certain situations, particularly within relationships. This doesn’t equate to weakness or lacking masculinity.

Psychologically, some submissive men might have secure attachment styles, meaning they formed healthy emotional bonds in childhood. This fosters trust and allows them to feel comfortable expressing vulnerability and support within a relationship.

Empathy is another key trait. They naturally pick up on their partner’s needs and desires, finding fulfillment in fulfilling them.

Now, this doesn’t mean they lack their own opinions or goals. Submissive men can be strong and assertive, but they might prefer a relationship dynamic where open communication leads to win-win situations.

They enjoy brainstorming ideas together and seeing their partner flourish. Think of them as the silent strategists behind the scenes, always working to make the team (the relationship) a success.

Difference between Sexual Submission vs Relationship Submission of men

Sexual submission and relationship submission are different aspects of submissive behavior in men, though they can overlap.

Sexual submission focuses on intimate activities. A sexually submissive man enjoys letting his partner take control in the bedroom.

He might like being told what to do during sex, following orders, or engaging in role-play where his partner is dominant. This type of submission is limited to sexual encounters and doesn’t necessarily extend to other parts of life.

Difference between Sexual Submission vs Relationship Submission of men
Source: Pexels

Relationship submission, on the other hand, involves a man taking a submissive role in the overall partnership. This affects day-to-day interactions and decision-making.

A man who is submissive in the relationship might defer to his partner’s choices about activities, let them make important decisions, or prioritize their needs over his own. This submission is present in many aspects of life, not just in intimate moments.

The key difference is the scope. Sexual submission is specific to intimate situations, while relationship submission is a broader pattern of behavior.

Some men might be submissive in both areas, while others might only be submissive in one or the other. It’s important for partners to communicate clearly about their preferences and boundaries in both sexual and non-sexual aspects of their relationship.

Common Traits of Submissive Men

Submissive men are often misunderstood, but they can be amazing partners! Here’s a look at some of their key characteristics:

Submissive Men Prioritize Collaboration

Submissive men aren’t afraid to share the spotlight. They value working together as a team and building a strong partnership. They see decision-making as a conversation, where compromise and finding solutions that work for everyone is key.

Submissive Men are Empathetic and Supportive

Submissive men are like human emotional antennas! They’re naturally good at picking up on the needs and desires of others. They enjoy taking on supportive roles and find fulfillment in making their partner feel happy and cared for.

Common Traits of Submissive Men
Source: Pexels

Such Men Possess Strong Communication Skills

Open and honest communication is a must for submissive men. They don’t hold back on expressing their feelings and actively listen to their partner’s needs and desires. This two-way street keeps the relationship strong and healthy.

They are Comfortable with Openness

Submissive men often find emotional vulnerability attractive. They’re comfortable expressing their own feelings and creating a deep emotional connection with their partner. Honesty and openness are key ingredients for a fulfilling relationship for them.

Submissive Men Enjoy Shared Direction

While not pushovers, submissive men might be content with letting their partner take charge in certain situations. They find comfort in knowing their partner’s preferences and working within those boundaries. It’s all about creating a smooth-running partnership.

Such Men Respect Strength

Contrary to stereotypes, submissive men aren’t afraid of strong personalities. They might even be drawn to confident partners, as long as the relationship fosters mutual respect and open communication. It’s all about finding a healthy balance!

15 signs you’re in a relationship with a submissive man

Here’s a short starting paragraph and the first 3 signs you’re in a relationship with a submissive man, explained in simple English:

Being in a relationship with a submissive man can be different from what many people expect in a traditional partnership. These men often show their love and care in unique ways.

If you’re wondering whether your partner might be submissive, here are some signs to look out for. Remember, every relationship is different, and these signs don’t always mean a man is submissive.

1. He always puts your needs first

A submissive man often focuses on making sure you’re happy and comfortable, even if it means ignoring his own needs. He might ask you what you want to eat, watch, or do, and go along with your choices without complaint.

If you’re tired after work, he might offer to cook dinner or give you a massage without being asked.

He feels good when he can take care of you and make your life easier. This doesn’t mean he never has his own opinions or desires, but he usually puts yours ahead of his own.

Over time, you might notice that you’re making most of the decisions in the relationship, big and small, because he’s always deferring to what you want.

2. He seeks your approval in decision-making

When it comes to making choices, a submissive man often looks to you for guidance and approval. This could be for small things, like what to wear or what to eat, or for bigger decisions like career moves or financial choices.

He might ask for your opinion a lot, saying things like “What do you think I should do?” or “Do you like this?” He values your input and wants to make sure his choices align with what you want.

This behavior shows that he trusts your judgment and wants to make decisions that you’ll be happy with.

However, it’s important to encourage him to share his own thoughts too, to maintain a balanced relationship.

3. He’s very attentive to your moods and reactions

A submissive man is often highly tuned in to your emotional state. He watches your facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language closely to gauge how you’re feeling.

If you seem upset, he might quickly try to cheer you up or fix whatever’s bothering you. He’s quick to notice if you’re happy, sad, or angry, and he adjusts his behavior accordingly. This attentiveness comes from a desire to keep you satisfied and avoid any displeasure.

He might ask often if you’re okay or if there’s anything he can do for you. While this can make you feel very cared for, it’s important to communicate openly with him about your feelings to avoid misunderstandings.

4. He’s eager to please in the bedroom

A submissive man often focuses on your pleasure and satisfaction during intimate moments. He may ask what you like or want him to do, rather than taking charge. He might be more comfortable following your lead and instructions in bed. This doesn’t mean he doesn’t enjoy intimacy, but his main goal is making sure you’re happy and satisfied.

He might spend a lot of time on foreplay or activities that specifically please you. He may also be open to trying new things you suggest, even if he’s unsure about them at first.

5. He avoids confrontation and arguments

When disagreements come up, a submissive man often tries to smooth things over quickly. He might agree with you even if he has a different opinion, just to keep the peace.

If you’re upset, he may apologize quickly, even if he didn’t do anything wrong. This doesn’t mean he never stands up for himself, but he loves you even after a fight, and generally prefers harmony over conflict.

He might change the subject when tough topics come up or find ways to agree with you. While this can make for a peaceful relationship, it’s important to encourage open, honest communication to address real issues that come up.

6. He’s very affectionate and nurturing

A submissive man often shows his care through physical affection and nurturing behaviors. He might give you lots of hugs, kisses, or massages. He could be the type to bring you breakfast in bed or make sure you’re warm and comfortable.

When you’re sick, he might take care of you, bringing you medicine and soup. He enjoys making you feel loved and cared for through these actions. This affection isn’t just about romance – it’s a way for him to show his devotion and submission to you.

However, it’s important to make sure you’re also showing him affection and care in return to maintain a balanced, loving relationship.

signs you’re in a relationship with a submissive man
Source: Pexels

7. He often asks for permission

A submissive man might frequently ask for your permission before doing things, even for small matters. This could be as simple as asking if it’s okay to go out with friends, make a purchase, or watch a particular TV show. He values your opinion and wants to make sure his actions align with your wishes.

This behavior stems from a desire to respect your authority in the relationship and avoid doing anything that might upset you. While this can make you feel respected and in control, it’s important to encourage some independence to maintain a healthy balance.

8. He’s very supportive of your goals and ambitions

A submissive man is often incredibly supportive of your dreams and aspirations. He may go out of his way to help you achieve your goals, whether it’s in your career, personal life, or hobbies. This could mean taking on more household responsibilities so you can focus on your work, or helping you practice for a presentation.

He finds joy in your success and is happy to play a supporting role. He might even put his own goals on hold to help you achieve yours. While this support can be wonderful, it’s important to make sure his needs and dreams are also being addressed in the relationship.

9. He’s comfortable with you taking the lead in social situations

In social settings, a submissive man might naturally defer to you. He may look to you to make decisions about where to go or what to do when you’re out with friends. In conversations, he might let you do most of the talking and agree with your opinions. He’s comfortable with you being the more outgoing or dominant personality in social situations.

This doesn’t necessarily mean he’s shy or antisocial, but rather that he’s content letting you take center stage. It’s important to make sure he feels included and valued in these situations, even if he’s not taking the lead.

10. He’s quick to apologize

A submissive man often apologizes quickly and frequently, even for small things or situations that aren’t really his fault. He might say “sorry” if he thinks he’s bothered you, interrupted you, or if he believes he’s made a mistake. This habit comes from a strong desire to maintain harmony in the relationship and avoid upsetting you.

He may apologize as a way to show respect and acknowledge your feelings.

11. He’s very attentive to your physical comfort

A submissive man often pays close attention to your physical comfort and tries to make sure you’re always at ease. He might adjust the temperature if you’re too hot or cold, offer you the more comfortable chair, or make sure you have enough pillows in bed.

He could carry things for you, open doors, or help you with your coat without being asked. This behavior shows his desire to care for you and make your life easier in practical ways. While this attentiveness can be very nice, it’s important to make sure he’s not neglecting his own comfort in the process.

12. He values your opinion highly

In a relationship with a submissive man, you might notice that he places a lot of importance on your thoughts and opinions. He may ask for your advice on various matters, from small daily decisions to major life choices. When you express an opinion, he tends to agree or at least consider it very carefully.

He might change his views or habits based on what you think. This behavior stems from his respect for you and his desire to align himself with your preferences.

While it’s flattering to have your opinion valued so highly, it’s important to encourage him to develop and express his own views as well.

13. He’s often self-sacrificing

A submissive man may frequently put your needs and wants ahead of his own, even at the cost of his own comfort or desires. He might give up the last piece of dessert, let you have the better seat, or change his plans to accommodate yours. This self-sacrificing behavior extends to bigger things too.

He might work extra hours to buy you something special or give up a hobby he enjoys if you don’t like it. While this generosity can be touching, it’s important to make sure he’s not constantly denying himself.

14. He enjoys when you take charge financially

In financial matters, a submissive man might be comfortable with you taking the lead. He may prefer that you handle the budgeting, make major financial decisions, or even control the spending.

This could mean he asks your permission before making purchases or gives you his paycheck to manage. He might feel more secure knowing you’re in charge of the money. This doesn’t necessarily mean he’s irresponsible with money, but rather that he trusts your judgment in this area.

15. He’s very patient and rarely shows frustration

A submissive man often displays a high level of patience and rarely expresses frustration, even in situations that might annoy others.

He might wait calmly if you’re running late, or stay composed if plans change at the last minute. When faced with challenges or setbacks, he tends to remain calm and look to you for guidance on how to react. This patience stems from his desire to please you and avoid conflict.

How to Maintain a Relationship with a Submissive Man

How to Maintain a Relationship with a Submissive Man
Source: Pexels

Here’s a guide on how to maintain a relationship with a submissive man, explained in simple English:

Understand his needs

A submissive man often wants to please his partner and feel appreciated. Try to understand what makes him feel valued and respected. This might be praise for his efforts, clear instructions on what you want, or showing appreciation for his acts of service. Remember, his submission is a choice he makes because it fulfills him.

Encourage his independence

While he may defer to you often, it’s important to encourage him to have his own thoughts, opinions, and interests. This helps maintain a balanced relationship. Encourage him to pursue his own hobbies and friendships. A submissive man who feels secure in himself will be a better partner.

Show affection and appreciation

Regularly show him that you value and care for him. This could be through words of affirmation, physical affection, or acts of kindness. Remember, his submission is a gift, and it’s important to acknowledge that.

Maintain open communication

Keep talking openly about your relationship. Check in regularly about how he’s feeling, if the dynamic is working for both of you, and if any adjustments are needed. This helps prevent resentment and ensures the relationship stays healthy.

Balance power dynamics

While he may be submissive, remember that you’re still equal partners. Make sure major life decisions are made together. Avoid taking advantage of his submissive nature in ways that could be harmful to him or the relationship.

Take responsibility

Being the more dominant partner means taking on more responsibility. This includes making decisions, guiding the relationship, and sometimes putting his needs before yours. It’s a role that requires care and thoughtfulness.


Submissive men in relationships show their love and care in unique ways. They often put their partner’s needs first, seek approval, and avoid conflict.

These men may be eager to please, both in daily life and in intimate situations. While they enjoy letting their partner take the lead, it’s important to maintain a balance of power and respect their boundaries.

A healthy relationship with a submissive man requires clear communication, mutual respect, and understanding.

Remember, submission is a choice that brings fulfillment to many men, and it doesn’t make them any less valuable as partners.

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