Love Vs Lust Quiz

Ever wondered if it’s true love or just a case of hot and heavy lust? Take our Love vs. Lust Quiz! Packed with hilarious questions and witty answers, you’ll finally figure out what’s really heating up your heart. Ready to laugh and learn about your feelings? Dive in and discover the truth!

Love Vs Lust Quiz

Love Vs Lust

1 / 15

When you fight or argue, what's the main cause?

2 / 15

How would you describe your initial attraction to your partner?

3 / 15

How do you hope your relationship grows in the long-term?

4 / 15

How did you picture your ideal partner before meeting them?

5 / 15

What's your biggest fear in the relationship?

6 / 15

Which of these is most likely to make you swoon?

7 / 15

How did your feelings for your partner progress?

8 / 15

What's your favorite thing to do together as a couple?

9 / 15

What's your favorite way to spend a date night?

10 / 15

How important is physical attraction in your relationship?

11 / 15

When you first started dating, which of these was more important?

12 / 15

How important are shared interests and values to you?

13 / 15

How would you describe your bedroom life?

14 / 15

Which of these gestures means more to you?

15 / 15

How would you describe your love languages?

 Love vs  Lust : A Playful Poem

Is it love or just a crush,
Does your heart race or simply blush?
Is it deep talks or just the spark,
Love vs. Lust, let’s embark!

Do you dream of holding hands,
Or just of beach-side tan and sands?
Is it sweet texts that make you swoon,
Or just quick glances across the room?

Do you imagine future plans,
Or just hot dates and late-night stands?
Is it their soul that draws you near,
Or just their look when they appear?

Are you thrilled by how they think,
Or just by winks and playful links?
Does your heart melt when they speak,
Or just your knees that go weak?

Take the quiz, uncover the truth,
Is it a love that’s through the roof?
Or just a fling, a fleeting must,
Find out now, Love vs. Lust!

Love Vs Lust Quiz

How would you describe your initial attraction to your partner? 

  1. a) Instantly smitten by their looks 
  2. b) Drawn to their personality and values 
  3. c) A little bit of both 
  4. d) I don’t even remember, it’s been so long!

When you first started dating, which of these was more important?   

  1. a) The physical chemistry
  2. b) The emotional connection 
  3. c) They were equally important
  4. d) We were just having fun, no deeper feelings

What’s your favorite thing to do together as a couple?

  1. a) Get intimate and physical 
  2. b) Have deep, meaningful conversations 
  3. c) A mix of physical and emotional intimacy
  4. d) Binge-watch TV shows

How would you describe your bedroom life?

  1. a) Frequent and passionate
  2. b) Infrequent but deeply connected
  3. c) A healthy balance of physical and emotional intimacy
  4. d) What bedroom life?

When you fight or argue, what’s the main cause?

  1. a) Lack of physical intimacy
  2. b) Lack of quality time and connection 
  3. c) A combination of the two 
  4. d) We never really fight

Which of these gestures means more to you?

  1. a) A steamy night of passion 
  2. b) A heartfelt love letter 
  3. c) Either would make me swoon 
  4. d) Grand gestures aren’t really my thing

How important is physical attraction in your relationship? 

  1. a) It’s the most important thing 
  2. b) Personality matters more than looks 
  3. c) Physical and inner beauty are equally vital
  4. d) We’re way past the shallow attraction phase

What’s your favorite way to spend a date night?

  1. a) A romantic night at home, if you know what I mean… 
  2. b) Trying a new activity and making memories
    c) A mix of quality time and physical connection 
  3. d) Do we have to go out? I’d rather stay in


How did you picture your ideal partner before meeting them? \

  1. a) I just wanted someone hot
  2. b) I wanted an intellectual connection
    c) Looks and personality were both priorities 
  3. d) I didn’t have an ideal, I’m just lucky they came along


How important are shared interests and values to you? 

  1. a) Not that important, as long as the physical spark is there 
  2. b) A relationship can’t survive without them 
  3. c) They’re nice to have but not everything 
  4. d) What even are our shared interests?


Which of these is most likely to make you swoon? 

  1. a) Your partner looking especially sexy
  2. b) A heartfelt, vulnerability-showing conversation 
  3. c) Flirtatious banter leading to quality time together 
  4. d) I don’t really “swoon”


How would you describe your love languages? 

  1. a) Physical touch, 100% 
  2. b) Words of affirmation and quality time 
  3. c) A balance of physical and emotional connection 
  4. d) I’m just bad at this whole love language thing


What’s your biggest fear in the relationship? 

  1. a) Losing the passion and spark 
  2. b) Growing apart emotionally 
  3. c) Both passion and emotional disconnection scare me 
  4. d) I don’t really have serious fears like that


How did your feelings for your partner progress? 

  1. a) It was mostly physical infatuation at first 
  2. b) I was emotionally invested from the beginning 
  3. c) Physical and emotional attracted developed together 
  4. d) It just kind of happened naturally over time


How do you hope your relationship grows in the long-term? 

  1. a) With an ever-burning physical spark 
  2. b) A deeper spiritual and emotional connection
    c) The intimacy continues growing in all ways
  3. d) I’m just happy being together, no expectations
  4. I’m just happy being together, no expectations

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