Alicia Holmes

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Do Guys Feel Bad for Ghosting?

Do Guys Feel Bad for Ghosting? Understanding the Male Perspective

Ever felt like you were getting to know someone great, then… poof! They vanish without a trace. Ghosting, the act of disappearing from someone’s life mid-conversation or relationship, can be incredibly confusing and hurtful. And let’s face it, it feels like guys are the champions of this disappearing act. Now, you might be wondering, “Do

Do Guys Feel Bad for Ghosting? Understanding the Male Perspective Read More »

Why Do Guys Like to FaceTime at Night: 16 Surprising Reasons

Why Do Guys Like to FaceTime at Night: 16 Surprising Reasons

Hey Ladies! We’ve all been there: scrolling through social media before bed, when suddenly your phone buzzes with a FaceTime call. And guess what? It’s him. You know, the guy you’ve been texting, the one you maybe, kind of, totally like. But here’s the thing: it’s late! Isn’t texting what late-night conversations are made for?

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